Corporate Health

& Wellness

Burnout, overwhelm, decreased productivity sound familiar?

Prioritising Health & Wellness helps employees build a resilient mindset and cultivate a culture of wellbeing that enables your team to thrive. For business owners really wanting to accelerate their teams growth & efficiency to take things to their performance next level.

  • Take them out of the working environment. I will run and craft you wellness retreat away day or weekender uniquely designed to increase productivity and team building amongst your staff.

  • The 45-minute webinars facilitate remote working! Your team will learn and techniques to adopt healthier habits around nutrition, hydrations, movement, stress and mindset.

  • My 1:1 Coaching is designed to give your employees personalised high-level support, so you can get clear on exactly what you need to do to secure business by making small changes in their overall health and wellness success.

  • With our personalised group coaching workshops, we explore the many factors that can decrease wellbeing inside and outside of the workplace and provide the tools and resources to overcome these factors while helping your employees improve their general wellness within the workplace.

  • Evidence based tools, workbooks and resources to support sustainable change.


Each employee brings a unique set of skills, attributes and characteristics to any business. Raising awareness of and addressing threats to workplace wellbeing improves the potential of employees to perform better, feel healthier and be happier in their role. This benefits corporate productivity, efficiency and overall resilience.

“Spreading The Message Of Health In A Simplified Way”


Pharmacist Corporate Wellness Coach

What do you need help with right now?

In the current climate with fears of ill health and financial concerns, you don’t want to be consumed with worry about the future.

  • You need a customised program featuring techniques that enable you to effectively manage stress and anxiety.

  • You need to build a resilient and thriving workforce that can consistently raise the quality of their performance and productivity levels.

  • You need strategies that create a company culture centred around physical and mental wellbeing in the workplace.

As your company own personal Pharmacist & Corporate Wellness Coach using lifestyle medicine techniques I will empower your employees to create new sustainable habits in the areas of Mindset, Movement, Nutrition, Hydration & Sleep.

How We Work Together